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Green Bay Fear

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Haunted Houses, Haunted Trails, Halloween Parties & Nightlife, Scream Parks, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly)
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Awaiting inside the Green Bay Fear Haunted House are the things of your nightmare and the nightmares of so many others. All of them are biding their time, anticipating you and your screams. Housed in these roofs are the terrors of the night, just waiting for you to round the corner in the darkness. This isn't your average haunted house, this is Green Bay Fear Haunted House.... where terror calls home.

If you make it out in one piece, which few have, you can relax and enjoy yourself (and perhaps change your pants) at the Haunted Midway. Enjoy the oddities area, where the strangest of the strange have been put on display. Artifacts like the Egyptian Mummified Cat and a real Vampire Killing Kit are on display for visitors to enjoy. This most unique collection is something you will remember for years to come.

While you are in the Haunted Midway explore Mr. Jingles Fun House filled with topsy turvey, mind bending frights. Enter at your own risk as some have yet to be heard from.

After all this excitement browse the Haunted Midway with a hot chocolate, enjoy the nightly live music, and step into the Freak Show staring the World's Strangest Strongman, Baron Von Gieger.
Some locations may have last minute updates due to changing circumstances. Please visit the attraction's website and/or social media before going to double-check that they are open.
All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Green Bay Fear
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Traveling from Highway 41, take exit 168c Shawnao Ave. On Shawno Ave. head east on Shawano and turn left at the round-about on Taylor.

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  • Jump Scares

    It was a slow rainy night when I went. We went right into the haunt, not seeing Mr. Jingles or the ringmaster first. Lot's of jump scares & creepy scenes. Coming out of one of the buildings I had no idea where to go, so better signs would help. Really enjoyed. Mr. Jingles show at the end. Will be back.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2023

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  • Awesome

    There is one flat out price and in 2016 there have been added on rooms they are all new and nicely built. There is a woods, haunted house, museum, and Funhouse its all amazing i've visited since the beginning!!

    Scare Factor:
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    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2016

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    3 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • A little disappointing

    There are four features to walk through- a very small museum of creepy things, a very small creepy clown house (there was only one actor in it while we were there), an outdoor scary-redneck walk through of medium length, and a medium-length haunted house. There was also a "freak show," which I just found off-putting, not impressive or interesting. It would have been better if they'd concentrated their efforts on one thing. The museum and clown things left you asking, "that's it?" The redneck thing was average, okay. The house had one reeaaallly cool room, and the rest were only average. Our group was fairly hemmed in by groups in front and behind. They could have timed the groups better- there was only a short wait, they could have afforded to leave more time between groups. Speaking of affording, it costs twenty bucks! Never again.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2015

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    3 out of 7 found this review helpful

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