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Siren Bridge - Siren WI Real Haunted Places

  • Siren, WI
The Siren Bridge in Siren is known to be a hot spot for paranormal activity. A little girl is said to be the ghost that lingers here and she has been heard crying out to her mommy for help. Visitors have claimed that if you drive onto the bridge and turn up the radio, the little girl will call out, "Mommy, I can't get out!"

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  • Siren Bridge haunting

    Even though it has been called the Siren bridge, it is not really a bridge. The road "B" has been built up over some marshy areas with low ditches and guard rails. On February 20th at approximately 10am I was driving west on "B" toward Siren on a beautiful 10 degree sunny morning. As I navigated the curves in the road I heard a faint sound of what seemed like kids talking, singing or playing. I expected to see some kids playing in the woodsnext to the road. No kids. I heard it again, this time sounding like a little girl talking. It sounded a little electronic like it was coming through the speakers. My radio wasn't on. The voice was faint enough that I could not make out what the voice was saying. All of a sudden it felt like my spine was injected with ice water from head to tailbone. The hair on my arms, neck and head stood straight up. I immediately knew what I was hearing, where I was, and the phenomenon I was experiencing. I have driven through this area many times over the years and never experienced anything. So many times the Siren Bridge haunting had slipped my mind. I'm 52 years old and can say I personally haven't experienced anything paranormal until yesterday. What has been report about this area of "B", without any question, happened to me. The part that rattled me the most is that the girls voice seemed to come through the passenger side speakers even though my radio was off at the time.

    Posted 2/21/25

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  • Definitely not haunted.

    “Siren bridge” is after the first bend, it’s not really a bridge you’re looking for. Just like the other person said. It isn’t haunted. As the person said about not living far from it and driving it quite often (I also live in Luck, Wi) I have never heard anything on the radio and I also haven’t heard the radio go into static. I’m not completely sure who has started that rumor, but it is true that there was a family that went off road and drowned. I was hoping one of these times I would hear something, but unfortunately nothing has happened.

    Posted 12/29/24

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  • Not Haunted

    I've been to this location dozens of times (I live not too far from it in Luck, WI) and truly believe this place is not haunted. It's not a bridge you're looking for, but rather a marshy swamp that the vehicle in question with the family of three inside went off the road, into the water, and drown. I have never seen nor heard anything there. Day or night. I'm not sure who originally claimed they heard the voice of a little girl but it's an interesting story. Fabricated to the max, unfortunately. It's a nice road, though, and I love taking it on my Sunday drives out in the country. I am interested in being made a believe in this location. There are a lot of articles that have been written about it being haunted. After many times of being there myself I have to stick with what evidence I have captured and it has been none.

    Posted 7/15/24

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Visitors to this page: 2,250
Last edit to this listing: 5/11/2021 (1396 days ago)

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