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The Rave - Eagles Club - Real Haunted Place

  • 2401 W. Wisconsin Ave.
  • Milwaukee, WI
  • (414) 342-7283
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This building dates back to the 1920's and was originally an all-make athletic club. A young girl's ghost is said to laugh inside and has been seen, along with things being thrown off the roof by disembodied hands. In the basement, visitors have reported a strong smell of bleach and a feeling that you need to get out of there. The building once operated as a shelter and its owner was said to be a very abusive man, and his ghost is said to be heard and felt near the pool area and the boiler room.
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  • Weird experience here

    I was 18 when I went here for a show in 2008 with a friend of mine. We arrived extremely early, like 4ish hours, and waited for the doors to the ballroom to be opened. For a few minutes, we stood talking in a large area and leaned against a wall. Then, my friend decided to go to the bathroom or grab a soda (I can't remember which). She walked off to my left. Since this was a time before most people had smartphones, I tried to entertain myself by looking around at the venue and at the few people (mainly employees) who were there. All of a sudden, I felt this weird sensation. I don't know how to explain it other than that it felt like a cat rubbing itself on the back of my calves. It happened a few times, kind of winding around my legs and back again. It felt strange, so I moved down a few feet to my left, assuming that I had mistakenly stood in front of an air vent and was feeling a weird breeze coming from the wall behind me. I looked over to my left, and, not seeing my friend, I turned my head in the opposite direction and studied my the location where I had previously stood, trying to figure out the source of the weird sensation. I didn't see an air duct or vent, but I continued looking to my right until I felt the unmistakable feeling of an arm draping around my left shoulder and upper back as though to pull me into a hug from the side. Assuming it was my friend, I turned my head back to the left to greet her. To my surprise, there was no one there. To make matters stranger, I saw my friend walking towards me, at least 10 feet away. There was one other person in that area, an employee who was just as far away, and paying us no notice. Understandably freaked out, I stepped away from the wall and met up with my friend. I told her what had happened, but I laughed it off as 'this weird thing just happened to me'. I was, and honestly still am, a bit of a skeptic. In 2008, I didn't even know that this place was rumored to be haunted. I actually didn't learn about it until fairly recently, but figured I'd share my story. I don't know what I experienced--if it was a ghost, or spirit, or just the product of a bored 18 year old mind. But I've been trying to figure it out for years now, and I truly have no idea.

    Posted 5/9/20

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  • Definitely haunted!

    I played there a few times in the late 1980's. There is tunnel that goes from stage left to right that if you enter alone, you can't help the feeling of being followed. To the point of doubling step to get out. My son now works there, and can confirm sounds and voices in the long abandoned pool, a young girl's girl in the coat check area, and things being thrown from the roof after the building has been cleared by security. Don't show up for a tour, there are none. You can go for a show, but seems most activity happens after the shows are over and the building has been cleared.

    Posted 2/14/18

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Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3270 days ago)

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