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Skull O' Towne Yard Haunt - Check Haunted Stoughton Facebook Page

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The Legend of "Skull O' Towne" is one that has been passed down thru the ages from many generations. "Skull O' Towne" was founded by Hugh Moore way back in the days of the Olde Wild West. It resides once a year around Halloween at 340 W Taft Street - Right here in Stoughton. In fact, Luke Stoughton feared this settlement, so much, that he had to make his home on the other side of the Yahara River.

Come on down yonder to get a "look see" at some of the famous towne folk and pet the rattlesnakes and rats.
Feed the goat and chickens.. You'll want to check out the graveyard and burial site of Amos Moses - alligator bit em. Then there's Gold Hat who "ain't got no stinkin badges".

You'll want say howdy to Miss Kitty-Kitty from the almost famous TV show Cap-Gunsmoke. Daniel Boone's (lesser known brother) Donyell is out by the campfire with his side-kick Amigo.

The Lone Ranger's brother's-cousin's-friend's horse named Hammer is out at the hitchin' post. Take up a chair at the site of the very first pro poker tour, but be careful not to distract the boys.

Sheriff Andy Earp has the old con - Federate locked up in the jail cell. Little Opie is hanging out close by. Then visit George Hearst's abandon mine and old Forty-Niner Festus B. Boutdead and his one gold nugget. There's a rumor that Grizzly Adam's great-great grandfather Mountain Ear may be comin our way.

Can't mention them all, but there are more characters to see and more a comin...So let's keep the "Skull O' Towne" legend lore somewhat alive for years to come.

And if you feel the generosity you can drop some grub off in the barrel by the road - so we can pay our Halloween Food Drive forward to the Stoughton Pantry.
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