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Dungeon of Horrors - Real Haunt in Wisconsin Dells WI

  • 325 Broadway
  • Wisconsin Dells, WI
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This location originally operated as a haunted house attraction but closed due to the fact that the owner was unable to employ any staff due to reports of real paranormal occurrences. The apparition of a man wearing glasses has been seen following employees and visitors throughout the building, and visitors have claimed to see the apparition of a man holding an axe on the ground floor. Other strange occurrences here include cold spots, eerie noises and a glowing orange apparition that has appeared during the night shifts.
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    Place was originally a mechanic shop 1910s ish. Owner committed suicide on site, and is *constantly* pranking people here. If you smack talk him, or are openly unfriendly, dude you will feel it. Few decades later, a father and young son died under suspicious circumstances. The wife/mother remarried day after funerals. The son is heard and seen semi-frequently, and is quite nice. I got him an era appropriate wooden rocking horse for christmas years ago, and it often rocks as if being played with. At one point prior to the family tradgedy above, there was a fire on site involving steel drums of gasoline (from the original mechanic shop, post 1st owners death) exploding and killing a firefighter. He is very rarely around, but yes can be heard dragging his axe. In two spots in the building a purple or orange (it varies) circle of light roughly 2' across will appear on the floor. Always visible on cctv, but only to the eye when somone's back is turned to it. All of the above absolutely do trigger motion lights, use toilets/sinks/towel dispenser, open and close doors, change thermostat setting (they disagree. Drives me nuts), (un)lock doors et al, move objects, speak and respond, make physical contact, appear visually, eat my lunch, make coffee on and on and on.

    Posted 3/18/23

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  • Spooky Ookie Cookie

    I went there and saw a ghost. My friend died. I lost my left pinky toe. Can't sleep at night now :(

    Posted 2/11/21

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 1,594
Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3274 days ago)

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