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Sanitarium Hill - Real Haunted Place

  • Northport Dr.
  • Madison, WI
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This location features an abandoned mansion on top of a hill. It once operated as the Lakeview Sanitarium from 1930 to 1966, a tuberculosis treatment center, with woods behind it. (now known as Lakeview Woods). In a cemetery nearby, witnesses have reported cold spots, mists and more eerie occurrences. Through the woods along the trails, people have noticed apparitions, hot spots, murmured voices and something that pulls people's hair. Apparitions have been seen from outside the building along with glowing.
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  • Definitely something there!!!

    My family and I used to live close by the building on the nothside. My children and I were walking by one day and decided to stop because we love all things creepy. We were standing at the cemetery taking pictures and talking and I started getting the chills from head to toe and my head started feeling very heavy. I didn't like the vibe or feeling I was getting at all so I told my children it was time to go. I will never forget that experience! (Please be aware this building is owned by the state. I think it's okay to go near the woods and cemetery don't take my word for this as I am not sure but nobody said anything to my kids and I when we were there anyway)

    Posted 12/10/24

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Living in this Sanitarium was the Real Haunting.

    I'm still haunted by being locked inside this sanitarium in 1959. I was six years old. My parents told me I was going to a new school. Suddenly they were gone and I couldn't go home anymore. School? Not a real school. Sunshine as a cure? No way. We were not allowed outdoors at all. And indoors was terrifying... I'll give it 5 Pumpkins for being haunted, but it was horrifying inside.

    Posted 3/17/24

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    3 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • Can yo in tour it?

    Seems like the county could make some $$

    Posted 3/12/24

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  • It's not abandoned.

    It's not abandoned. So just be careful don't try entering the building it's government building now (county ran). I live by it. And yes there is activity there. It is haunted. that area has a long history of crime (murders), and this specific building itself being tb center in the past, etc

    Posted 10/15/23

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • It is definitely haunted.

    I went up there with a group of friends last night which happened to be halloween night and a blue moon. On our way there, we were sharing some paranormal experiences and noticed that this same car had been following us for the last 30 mins. We ended up getting away from them and made it up to the sanatorium. When we first got there, i instantly felt my shoulders get heavy, my back was sore and i got spooked out by the woods. We ended up getting out of the car to go walk around the building, but each time we did, someone got really really cold and wanted a jacket or something felt weird. This whole time, i’m staring up at the building behind the sanatorium. It’s the white little building. Everytime I looked at it I just got chills. After 10 mins of just debating on what to do, we decide to leave. As my friend is pulling up to the white building to turn around, my whole body just went numb and i could feel like something was pulling me to the building and I just froze. We quickly left and ended up turning around to pass the hill to go home. As we pass, my body got full chills and heavy shoulders until we were about 3 mins away. My friend has some medium abilities and can feel bad and good energy and said that something bad was there and she just needed to leave because she was getting overwhelmed. This place has weird energy, and I kind of want to do it again.

    Posted 11/1/20

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    3 out of 9 found this review helpful

  • Interesting place

    The building is still being used today by the state. You are able to walk through the woods and see the haunted cemetery right next to it. There’s a map that shows what used to be in the area and there used to be a pig farm behind the forest area. You can see the door to the nurses quarters but unable to access it. My friends and I took my dog to try and see if anything happened and my dog was on edge the whole time. We also saw a creepy group of deer come out of no where and they all stood very still and just stared at us from a distance. Very creepy aura

    Posted 6/21/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • This spot is haunted foreal

    I was always aware of this building and cemetery being haunted , but I’ve never actually walked in the woods or drove up it’s on a hill I just always happen to pass by it. It was like 9 pm at night and I was in the passenger seat and we driving up the hill just about half way something like slammed itself against my side of the car and i got so spooked I jumped and screamed and shut my eyes it deadass felt like an accident I was like WTF DID WE HITTT.and I was like TURN AROUNDD and I freaked the fuck out. My 2 cousins were in the back seat he said “ IT WAS A LECHUZA! It looked like a barn owl!” And my other cousin said “ I didn’t see an owl I saw it as a deer!) and my boyfriend (who was driving saw it as a deer) strangeeee af

    Posted 6/5/20

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  • Haunted, but not abandoned.

    Umm...It's not abandoned. The county health and human services department is headquartered there. It is haunted, however. I should know, it's three blocks from my parents' house.

    Posted 3/1/17

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    2 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3274 days ago)

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