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Eagle Road Cemetery - Real Haunted Place

  • Eagle Road
  • Juneau, WI
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery is also known as Tabor Cemetery or Evangelical Church. Witnesses have claimed to see apparitions here and have felt cold spots and gusts. Some have even said they've seen the Virgin Mary or experienced stigmata (bleeding from the arms and hands) after leaving this cemetery.
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  • Apparitions are real

    Me and my husband and my kids went to this road because I live 2 miles from it always heard things about it so we went to check it out.. walked around the cemetery at night looking at all the old headstones.. saw about 45 apparitions a couple floating over some headstones some of them were moving.. when we took pictures it was just a flash in the picture.. probably have gone there two or three times since that happened always see the same thing my kids love haunted things so they always have to go there LOL I'm very spiritual so I don't bother me

    Posted 2/26/25

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  • My Eagle Road experience

    When I was a young girl maybe 16 (this is now 21 years ago) , a friend of mine claim to have found a satanic Bible on this road. Eagle Road by Tabor cemetery. We went out there just to check it out late st night one evening, maybe five or six of us. We walked down the road a ways before we saw witch pentagrams drawn all over the road, looked to be in wet blood. But when you touched it it was dry. On the way back down the road all the pentagrams had disappeared. Hearing strange noise is in the woods we all we're freaked out. We decided to go back the next day in the daylight to see if the pentagrams had reapperaed. So we went back in the morning. No pentagrams. We all saw them the night before ... we all did! We walked through Tabor cemetery and all the way to the back end to the fenceline. You could see a farm about a mile away and a man in a red sweatshirt with his dog. We all turned around and started to head tword the entrance. When we looked back the man in the red sweatshirt was directly behind us on opposite Side of the fence. When we all ran realizing it was impossible for him to get into US within 10 seconds that he did. When we started to run he chased us.. don't ask me how he got over that fence. I was the smallest and the last one in the running line. The man in the red sweatshirt was about 2 yards behind me running down eagle road. Talk about a f$#&@g heart attack!! I know that road is haunted. I'm a local to the area. I haven't been back since but If your looking for a true haunted place. Eagle road outside of Juneau WI is a place to check out.

    Posted 9/12/23

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  • Did paranormal investigation recorded evp

    I recorded a evp saying get out of here

    Posted 4/25/20

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    6 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,014
Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3270 days ago)

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