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Whitnall Park - Real Haunt in Franklin WI

  • 5879 S. 92nd St.
  • Franklin, WI
  • (414) 425-7303
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
Open To Public
Yes - Open To Public
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The ghost stories that surround this park include the apparition of a female with no feet, who is sometimes holding a baby, floating toward visitors shouting "Go away and leave my baby alone!" Some say the ghost doesn't interact with the living, but only floats away into the woods. Others also say she does have feet, and can be spotted pacing near the waterfall. The crying baby has also been heard here.
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  • Lights

    Weird that someone else saw lights. A few years ago me and two friends went to the parking lot by the waterfall around 11 or midnight. We were too scared to leave the car and didn’t want to get a ticket from police for being there after hours, so we just sat with the lights off and watched. We saw mysterious lights, maybe orbs. They would flicker for a second or two and then disappear in different spots near the lake/waterfall. All three of us saw these lights. It almost looked like flashlights but we know for 100% certain we were the only ones there, and it was a blue light. I wanted to stay longer because I was more curious than scared, but one of my friends got too scared so I drove us away. I have come back multiple times since then but haven’t seen/heard anything. This is the only time I have ever seen anything paranormal, as I am a pretty skeptical person.

    Posted 9/14/18

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  • I can't explain what happened.

    My friends and I arrived at the park a little after 11pm. Not having been there before and it being so dark out we didn't know where we were going. Before we went to the waterfall we were parked on this road just hanging out by the car for a minute until we heard an owl and went to investigate. After we discovered it was an owl making the noise we heard we went back and stood by the car for a while. All of a sudden the wooded area directly in front of us started lighting up. The only way I can explain the way the light started flashing was like lightning, it flashed it one spot then a couple minutes would go by and it would flash in a different spot, but it definitely wasn't lightning. A few minutes went by so we thought it stopped but right when my friend said something about it, it happened again. Then shortly after we heard people's voices so we thought maybe they were there for the same reason as us but then the voices stopped and shortly after we heard a dog bark. At this point I was spooked thinking it was maybe cops or something so I sat back in the car for a couple minutes but when I got back out my friends said after the dog barked that it got dead silent again and the light finally stopped flashing.

    Posted 7/9/17

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 5,189
Clicks to Website: 2
Last edit to this listing: 4/11/2016 (3248 days ago)

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