Wisconsin's Haunted Theaters & Playhouses, Where Big Scares Take Center Stage
It's no surprise that ##Region## is home to numerous local theaters with haunted history - a night at the theater has been an American pastime for centuries! Theaters are seemingly always abuzz with foot traffic, excitement, and of course, drama, which is why many theaters are believed to be haunted by the spirits of actors, actresses, and theatergoers that frequented their favorite theater before their departure. If you've got a love for the stage in addition to your enthusiasm for ##Region##'s Haunted History and Ghost Hunting, then you'll want to check out one of the local haunted theaters next time you're looking for real scares!

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This Victorian-style opera house dates back to 1883 and is believed to have a few spirits residing here. A longtime employee, Percy Keene, is believed to be one of them. He has appeared as a smiling ghost wearing round, shiny glasses. Apparitions have been spotted in the theater seats right next to living people and mysterious footsteps have been heard throughout the building. The opera... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This theater is rumored to be haunted by a deceased employee that some say was the theater instructor or director. The ghost is known to make the lights go on and off and doors to open and close by themselves. Witnesses have also heard whispering and talking voices. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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Retlaw is Walter spelled backwards and the theater was once owned and operated by Walter Schroeder, who is believed to still linger the place in spirit. Witnesses have reported footsteps, creaking of theater seats, clapping, doors that open and close on their own, and figures that have appeared in the basement. The location is no longer the Retlaw Theater. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This theater is said to be the home to a disgruntled actresses' ghost. The story says that after failing to get a part she wanted, the actress called Lacy hanged herself in the loft. Witnesses have reported sounds of crying, footsteps and electrical anomalies in the area. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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Witnesses have reported unexplained footsteps, a toilet that flushes on its own and doors that open and close by themselves at this theater. Stories say that some actors showed up to work and found three lighted candles set up in a triangle around a rose on the stage. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This theater began production in 1927 and was once known as the Lake Theater and the Gateway Theater. A man's ghost has been spotted here along with sounds of voices and other eerie sounds. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This theater building dates back to 1924 and is believed to be haunted by orbs, a white female apparition, and a mysterious figure called the Balcony Man. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This theater is believed to be haunted by local actor Lester L. Schultz, who is nicknamed Pinky. He died of a heart attack as he was leaving the stage in 1968. He had been a former Marine and was with the playhouse since 1960. His spirit continues to be active in the theater and he even likes to play pranks like he did when he was alive. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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This theater began production in 1928 and it is the site of many unexplained noises and sights. There is said to be a resident ghost at the theater who may be a former theater manager who died more than a decade ago. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters
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Built in 1885, the Old Opera House is known to be the home to a spirit who likes to move chairs and close doors. Two elderly apparitions have also been spotted standing in corners, watching people. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Theaters